Bilbao Crystallographic Server arrowMWYCKPOS Help

Site Symmetry Group ..2' of the Wyckoff Position 8h

Magnetic Space Group: I-4m'2' (#119.319) [OG: I-4m'2' (#119.5.975)]

Representative: (x,x+1/2,1/4 | mx,-mx,mz)

Symmetry operations:

x, y, z, +1
mx, my, mz
   1   0   0    0
   0   1   0    0
   0   0   1    0
y-1/2, x+1/2, -z+1/2, -1
-my+1/2, -mx-1/2, mz-1/2
   0   1   0   -1/2
   1   0   0   1/2
   0   0  -1   1/2
2 x,x+1/2,1/4 -1

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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