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The magnetic space groups derived from the Fedorov space group: Cmcm (#)

Listed with respect to the BNS setting:

#63.457 Cmcm [OG: Cmcm #63.1.511] Type I (Fedorov)
#63.458 Cmcm1' [OG: Cmcm1' #63.2.512] Type II (grey group)
#63.459 Cm'cm [OG: Cm'cm #63.3.513] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.460 Cmc'm [OG: Cmc'm #63.4.514] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.461 Cmcm' [OG: Cmcm' #63.5.515] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.462 Cm'c'm [OG: Cm'c'm #63.6.516] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.463 Cmc'm' [OG: Cmc'm' #63.7.517] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.464 Cm'cm' [OG: Cm'cm' #63.8.518] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.465 Cm'c'm' [OG: Cm'c'm' #63.9.519] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.466 Ccmcm [OG: C2cmm'm' #65.12.556] Type IV (klassengleiche)
#63.467 Camcm [OG: PAmma #51.12.398] Type IV (klassengleiche)
#63.468 CAmcm [OG: FCm'mm #69.7.611] Type IV (klassengleiche)

Listed with respect to the OG setting:

#63.1.511 Cmcm [BNS: Cmcm #63.457] Type I (Fedorov)
#63.2.512 Cmcm1' [BNS: Cmcm1' #63.458] Type II (grey group)
#63.3.513 Cm'cm [BNS: Cm'cm #63.459] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.4.514 Cmc'm [BNS: Cmc'm #63.460] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.5.515 Cmcm' [BNS: Cmcm' #63.461] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.6.516 Cm'c'm [BNS: Cm'c'm #63.462] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.7.517 Cmc'm' [BNS: Cmc'm' #63.463] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.8.518 Cm'cm' [BNS: Cm'cm' #63.464] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.9.519 Cm'c'm' [BNS: Cm'c'm' #63.465] Type III (translationgleiche)
#63.10.520 CPmcm [BNS: PAmma #51.301] Type IV (klassengleiche)
#63.11.521 CPm'cm [BNS: PCbcm #57.391] Type IV (klassengleiche)
#63.12.522 CPmc'm [BNS: PBmmn #59.414] Type IV (klassengleiche)
#63.13.523 CPmcm' [BNS: PAnma #62.453] Type IV (klassengleiche)
#63.14.524 CPm'c'm [BNS: PBnma #62.454] Type IV (klassengleiche)
#63.15.525 CPmc'm' [BNS: PBnnm #58.402] Type IV (klassengleiche)
#63.16.526 CPm'cm' [BNS: PCbcn #60.431] Type IV (klassengleiche)
#63.17.527 CPm'c'm' [BNS: PBnna #52.318] Type IV (klassengleiche)

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