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The magnetic space groups derived from the Fedorov space group: Imm2 (#)

Listed with respect to the BNS setting:

#44.229 Imm2 [OG: Imm2 #44.1.324] Type I (Fedorov)    UNI: Imm2.1
#44.230 Imm21' [OG: Imm21' #44.2.325] Type II (grey group)    UNI: Imm2.1'
#44.231 Im'm2' [OG: Im'm2' #44.3.326] Type III (translationgleiche)    UNI: Im'm2'
#44.232 Im'm'2 [OG: Im'm'2 #44.4.327] Type III (translationgleiche)    UNI: Im'm'2
#44.233 Icmm2 [OG: CImm2 #35.7.242] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Imm2.1'c[Cmm2]
#44.234 Iamm2 [OG: AImm2 #38.8.272] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Imm2.1'a[Amm2]

Listed with respect to the OG setting:

#44.1.324 Imm2 [BNS: Imm2 #44.229] Type I (Fedorov)    UNI: Imm2.1
#44.2.325 Imm21' [BNS: Imm21' #44.230] Type II (grey group)    UNI: Imm2.1'
#44.3.326 Im'm2' [BNS: Im'm2' #44.231] Type III (translationgleiche)    UNI: Im'm2'
#44.4.327 Im'm'2 [BNS: Im'm'2 #44.232] Type III (translationgleiche)    UNI: Im'm'2
#44.5.328 IPmm2 [BNS: PImm2 #25.65] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Pmm2.1'I[Imm2]
#44.6.329 IPmm'2' [BNS: PImn21 #31.134] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Pmn21.1'I[Imm2]
#44.7.330 IPm'm'2 [BNS: PInn2 #34.164] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Pnn2.1'I[Imm2]

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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