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The magnetic space groups derived from the Fedorov space group: Fmm2 (#)

Listed with respect to the BNS setting:

#42.219 Fmm2 [OG: Fmm2 #42.1.309] Type I (Fedorov)    UNI: Fmm2.1
#42.220 Fmm21' [OG: Fmm21' #42.2.310] Type II (grey group)    UNI: Fmm2.1'
#42.221 Fm'm2' [OG: Fm'm2' #42.3.311] Type III (translationgleiche)    UNI: Fm'm2'
#42.222 Fm'm'2 [OG: Fm'm'2 #42.4.312] Type III (translationgleiche)    UNI: Fm'm'2
#42.223 FSmm2 [OG: PImm2 #25.9.163] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Fmm2.1'I[Pmm2]

Listed with respect to the OG setting:

#42.1.309 Fmm2 [BNS: Fmm2 #42.219] Type I (Fedorov)    UNI: Fmm2.1
#42.2.310 Fmm21' [BNS: Fmm21' #42.220] Type II (grey group)    UNI: Fmm2.1'
#42.3.311 Fm'm2' [BNS: Fm'm2' #42.221] Type III (translationgleiche)    UNI: Fm'm2'
#42.4.312 Fm'm'2 [BNS: Fm'm'2 #42.222] Type III (translationgleiche)    UNI: Fm'm'2
#42.5.313 FCmm2 [BNS: CAmm2 #35.171] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Cmm2.1'A[Fmm2]
#42.6.314 FAmm2 [BNS: ABmm2 #38.194] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Amm2.1'B[Fmm2]
#42.7.315 FCmm'2' [BNS: CAmc21 #36.179] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Cmc21.1'A[Fmm2]
#42.8.316 FCm'm'2 [BNS: CAcc2 #37.186] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Ccc2.1'A[Fmm2]
#42.9.317 FAm'm2' [BNS: ABbm2 #39.202] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Abm2.1'B[Fmm2]
#42.10.318 FAmm'2' [BNS: ABma2 #40.210] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Ama2.1'B[Fmm2]
#42.11.319 FAm'm'2 [BNS: ABba2 #41.218] Type IV (klassengleiche)    UNI: Aba2.1'B[Fmm2]

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